How I love bags! Almost every girl can sincerely say this phrase about herself. And everyone collects her “collection” in different ways. Someone prefers certain brands, someone is simply guided by the criterion of “like – dislike”. But the bags of famous brands attract everyone’s attention invariably.

Is so important brand

No one has not yet been able to answer this question unequivocally. Again, because each woman decides it for herself. Maybe you even wear only bags sewn or tied with your own hands. And there is something to envy!

However, if we are going to buy a factory product, how to choose a manufacturer? Whether to spend on a European brand or to pay attention to quite democratic China? Is the difference really noticeable or can only experts see it?

The truth is that the concept of “good bag” requires clarification in each specific case. Do you want your bag to last a long time? Look expensive? To be admired and approved by your girlfriends? But for all this is not necessarily to buy a brand. Excellent products can be found in little-known firms. And, on the contrary, some bags of fashionable brands by their very appearance cause bewilderment. It turns out that a big name and success with buyers are not always related?

In fact, often branded bags, and other things, buy, first of all, because they emphasize the status. A certain place that you occupy in society – or would like to occupy. A bag may look modest, but the logo on it will say a lot to a knowledgeable person.

The other reason for the general interest in famous brands is much more interesting. We are invariably attracted and excited by something that goes beyond the everyday. Once we receive it, we ourselves feel changed. Let’s put it this way, beyond the boundaries of everyday life. Buying a bag of a world-famous brand belongs to such events. We take in our hands a thing with history, we touch something extraordinary. And since this extraordinary is associated with the fashion and beauty industry, a rare woman will remain indifferent.

French bags – the embodiment of dreams

How many beautiful things gave the world these Frenchmen! It is hard not to agree that the number of beautiful things includes handbags from Louis Vuitton, Hermès, Chanel, Dior. The contest called “the most expensive bag” can be held with confidence among French brands. But what is there to be surprised about? Sense of style, elegance, refinement – that is what is usually expected from the creations of Parisian couturiers. They have a talent for bringing it all to life. Plus, everyone has their own special vocation.

Classics, transforming everyday life with chic performance is the trademark of Louis Vuitton. This is a rather “practical” brand, not in vain because its fame began not with handbags, but with suitcases. Today, in addition to travel products, the brand produces clothes, shoes, bags and other accessories. The famous coloring with the brand monogram has become, perhaps, one of the most recognizable in the world.

Chanel in its creations embodies, above all, femininity and elegance. This is undoubtedly the legacy of the brand’s legendary founder. Of course, Chanel also has some ultra-fashionable things. What is worth, for example, striking the most daring imagination hoop bag.

But still, the corporate style is quite different. Handle-chain, quilted surface, lock-logo familiar even to those who are far from the world of fashion. Well, those who are interested in fashion, will never confuse the bags of this brand with others.

Italian brands of bags – luxury and tradition

Works – and can you call the products of the masters of sunny Italy differently? – do not need an introduction at all. Immediately come to mind Prada, Dolce&Gabbana, Gucci and at least a dozen more sounding names. Passionate Italians know how to convey their impulse through what they do. Maybe that’s why we like Italian bags so much? One way or another, but most people really like them. Our online store cooperates with famous Italian brands. For any buyer it is already a guarantee that you can buy only the original from us.

For example, Coccinelle bags are chosen by connoisseurs of luxury. The impression of a branded expensive thing is confirmed by every detail. This and soft genuine leather, and stylish fittings, and unobtrusive decor. These bags rather shade your beauty than draw all the attention to themselves. But it is this quality that makes them exceptional. Such an accessory helps the owner to be herself in the best possible way.

Women’s Cromia bags are a surprisingly harmonious combination of classic and modernity. Perhaps it is the fact that the well known Italian brand today grew out of a small family business. Is it necessary to explain the importance of traditions for any Italian family? And Cromia carefully keeps and improves everything that the fans of the brand love so much.

In addition to cute models in casual style and charming evening variants, Cromia business bags are of special interest. They have long been appreciated by those who are important to maintain individuality, while remaining within the dress code. And if you go somewhere with this handbag after work, it will be quite appropriate.

American handbag brands – style in every minute of your life

How do you like the idea of looking cool on a daily basis, without a special occasion? What can we say, it’s tempting. Not for nothing American designer Michael Kors uses this very approach in his work. His clothes and accessories came to the taste of many famous people. An impressive example is Michelle Obama, whose closet has more than one dress from Michael Kors. Handbags of this brand are no less popular. And not only among celebrities.

American practicality coupled with a unique designer manner make this brand unique in its kind. Each handbag declares that the time to be beautiful and noticeable is right now. It doesn’t matter if you’re going to the store or to a party. It is absolutely appropriate and timely to look ravishing at any moment.

Branded Marc Jacobs bags are another phenomenon that can’t go unmentioned. It’s just street style poetry embodied in our favorite accessories. They won’t fit into every closet, but they will appeal to those who have their own style. Because for some things there are no ready-made rules: you just need to feel how to wear it and what to combine it with. However, not all bags of this brand are so extravagant. There are also models closer to the classics.

In short, brand bags – it is a whole encyclopedia. Each chapter in it can be studied long and thoroughly, and it is exciting. Especially since, in addition to theory, there is a very exciting practice. This is the selection and purchase of a handbag of your favorite famous brand.